Tuesday 28 November 2017

6 Sure Fire Ways To Deal With Procrastination And Beat Laziness ( Part-6 )

6. Time Division

Procrastination often comes with a tendency of getting distracted. These days, social media does a great job of swaying people away. Research says that once you get distracted on the internet, it takes 20 minutes before you can focus on work again. That’s a lot of time wasted.
A better idea is to divide your time into unbroken chunks. Give yourself 90 minutes of interrupted work time by putting your devices on silent and logging off from other places. And slowly try to increase this time to 2 hours, 2.5 hrs and so on.
The same pattern can be followed for personal activities like exercising, spending time with family etc. I see a lot of young people procrastinating more often when it comes to physical fitness. Their excuse is that there is no time after work. In reality – it is all about habits. If you decide that you absolutely have to run for 30 minutes, no matter how late you come back from work – after a few initial failures you will eventually find yourself on the track literally and figuratively.
Similarly, people have the habit of giving into the social media temptation like it’s an itch in the groin that needs to be addressed right away – even when they are with family, amidst important conversations. It is not only rude, but is also a setback for your positive momentum.
The funda is very simple. If what you do does not take you towards your goals, it takes you away from them.
So, the question then is – is procrastination taking you a step closer to the things you want to achieve in life? Probably not.
But here’s the catch –
I can give you only ways. No matter what you read here or anywhere else about ways to deal with procrastination – you won’t achieve anything till you step out of your comfort zone and take the first step. As it is said, one can take the horse to the water but not make him drink it.
No tips and tricks will be useful, till you shake out of your lazy slumber and tell yourself – enough is enough! Till you begin to actively choose for yourself – procrastination or prioritization?
One Life. Do not fritter it away just like that. Rise, Shine & Fly away. The world is waiting for you to pour your exceptional skills & talents into the marketplace. Only .01% people will do. The remaining 99.99% will spend their entire lives time passing & in just existing. You be the former. And for that – ‘Be Energetic first’.

Friday 24 November 2017

18 Little Things You Can Do to Ensure You Have a Good Day, Every Day.

Hello, from the world of Mondays! Has it been a dreary yet insanely fast week for you? Like the world isn't even pausing to catch it's breath while all you want to do is take 72-hour naps and sip on coffee? Tell me about it!

But hang in there. Because even the really bad days, the really, really, bad ones have something shiny on them. (Nope, I am not going all Silver-Lining-Yoda on you).

Human, first of all, hug yourself hard. Secondly, it is absolutely okay to want to feel happy most of the time in a world that thinks you’re completely off your rocker. Thirdly, it is absolutely okay again, to know that you ain’t going to have golden sunshine 365 days in your pretty little head. Some days it’s going to get cold. Some days it might pour hail and storm and you’ll be drenching and cursing.

However, there are a few tried and tested tricks that will make you feel amazing even when you are super low. Tricks which if practiced regularly could absolutely, one hundred percent, help you celebrate every single day including the poopy ones.

So here’s to happiness and learning how to build your own abode in its kingdom. Here’s to the 18 little things that will make sure that you have a great day, every day. *wave a hello to inner peace*

1. Take all the time and wake up slow.

Take your time to wake up fully in the morning rather
than jumping out of bed. Yawn out. Watch the trees through your window. Flutter
your eyelashes for cinematic effect. Set a slow yet steady pace for the day.

2. Now, close your eyes and take a moment to visualize your dreams and goals.

The first few things you think in the morning set the tone for the rest of the day. Take a few moments to close your eyes and visualize the person you wish to be. Or the kind of life you'd love to live. Visualize the joy on your face, the friends surrounding you, and your favorite dream coming true.

3. Stretch a little. Or dance. Whatever suits you.

If you aren’t Zen enough for Yoga, no stress. Put on some music and stretch a little. Do your moves. (If you like shower dancing, go for it.) This will call unto the good vibes.

4. If you feel any anxiety rooted in your chest, breathe it out.

On one of those days when you feel like smacking anyone who crosses your path, you might feel a tiny turbulence in the centre of your chest. Pause whatever you are doing and breathe deep, long breaths. Imagine yourself inhaling love, joy, and peace and exhaling out all anxiety, stress, and worry.

5. Jam to one of your favorite tracks.

This should be listed in the dictionary of superpowers. On your way to work or walking the street, plug
in your headphones and play your favorite music. You'll feel the corners of your mouth tug, instantly.

Monday 20 November 2017

The Habits Of Highly Successful Entrepreneurs

To Get the Most out of everyday, keep a strict schedule

To be successful in life there is no strict rule to follow but if you want to become more organised and productive, you must follow some kind of routine.
Possessing a strong, positive and flexible mindset is also the key to success.
You need to develop a routine to make most of every second you have. You can follow the schedule what most of the successful people around the globe like Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, Oprah Winfrey, Warren Buffett and Bill Gates follow.
To have more in-depth understanding of habits of successful entrepreneurs, see the Infographics
Habits of Highly Successful Entrepreneurs

Friday 17 November 2017

There Are 16 Long Weekends In 2018! Plan Your Holidays Already

If this year, Sundays and national holidays overlapped effectively ruining your long weekend plans, fret not, children. The Universe is being kind. 
Because guess what? There are 16 LONG WEEKENDS IN 2018! 
'Waste no time, start planning those vacays already.

*Designs by Utsav Pansari*

Tuesday 14 November 2017

6 Sure Fire Ways To Deal With Procrastination And Beat Laziness ( Part-5 )

5. Pareto’s Principle – the 80/20 rule

The simplicity of the Pareto Principle is what makes it brilliant. Surpassing the economics behind the principle, let me tell you what it means for procrastinators.
20% of your activities will lead to 80% of your results. The rest 80% of your activities are just alliteration and decoration. So, in the horde of 10 equally time taking tasks, you need to figure out which are the ones that will generate most value for you.
A small exercise – take a minute and write down 3 most important things you want to do in your life. Repeat the exercise for 3 most important milestones you want in your career and 3 in your personal life. These 3 will probably be the 20% that will lead to 80% of all good things for you.
Now, if you have to procrastinate absolutely (because it is your second nature!), you procrastinate on those 80% activities that give you 20% results. Not the other way round.
I know a lot of people have FOMO i.e. fear of missing out on important things in life if they are not everywhere. But trust me – if you are everywhere, you will probably end up nowhere. To find fulfilment of your own goals, you will have to let go of certain things. The sooner you realize this, the better off you will be.
In this internet generation, fighting FOMO becomes more difficult because of our incessant need to be connected and communicating continuously. Technology is just a tool. If used well, it can serve you and make you more productive. If abused, it will definitely add scores to your mastery of procrastination. (Here’s how you can stop your smartphone from hampering your productivity.)
Knowing what requires your immediate attention and what can be put off for later – is an important exercise in managing your time well. What would be the point of doing efficiently, that which need not be done at all! Thus, this 80-20 rule is very crucial for prioritizing and planning.

Sunday 12 November 2017

How to link Aadhaar card with Pan card

6 Sure Fire Ways To Deal With Procrastination And Beat Laziness ( Part-4 )

4. Implement and Improvise

Inertia of rest often sets in simply because we are waiting for things to be perfect.
The truth is – they never will be. There are beta launches of websites and software and developers often fix bugs as and when they come up. Manuscripts are edited multiple times before they are ready for print. Masterpieces rarely get produced in one go. In waiting to perfect your remaining 20%, don’t put your first 80% on hold!
The point being – ‘implement and improvise’ is a great way to keep up the momentum of action and not let yourself become a procrastination ninja by waiting around for the perfect time. You have your set of goals, you have a plan to achieve them, you work on it now. Don’t wait.
And people who write down their goals are more likely to be in the implementation mode – for they know what is it that needs to be done. Rest of us are generally clueless amidst the general chaos of life 🙂
As Lao Tzu puts is beautifully, ‘The journey of a thousand miles begins with a step”. No matter how daunting your work might seem, if you never begin, you will never reach. Be it daily goals, weekly goals, monthly goals or yearly goals – your baby steps count. Don’t underestimate the power of being a ‘work in progress’. But there will be no progress, if there is no work at all.
Believe in your baby steps. It is similar to how you do a plank exercise. Initially you won’t be able to hold for even 10 seconds. But with daily, disciplined practice, I have seen people reach up to 5 minutes. But those first few days are important; when you force yourself to keep aside your utter laziness and just do it because your rusting body probably needs it very badly.

Saturday 11 November 2017

GST on restaurants cut from 18% to 5%, but your bill may not reduce by 13%

In a major announcement, following the GST Council Meeting at Guwahati, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley announced that a decision was made to tax food at all stand-alone restaurants, AC and non-AC, at a uniform rate of 5%. This was a departure from the existing rates of 12% and 18%.

But will eating out really be cheaper by 13%? Lay people will not understand this, but the reduced rate of 5% comes with a rider. The press release stated the terms:
All stand-alone restaurants irrespective of air conditioned or otherwise, will attract 5% without ITC. Food parcels (or takeaways) will also attract 5% GST without ITC.
The words “without ITC” are key. ITC refers to Input Tax Credit. ITC basically is GST paid on purchase made. In the case of a restaurant, the GST which is charged on the rent it is paying, or on the groceries it is buying, is called ITC. This GST paid while purchasing items, can be utilized while making payment of GST which a restaurant collects from its customers.
To take a very simple example: Let us assume that the monthly expenses of a restaurant are Rs 250000, on which, the restaurant is charged Rs 34150 GST by various suppliers. Thus the total purchase cost is Rs 284150. But, this Rs 34150 can be used as “ITC”. When the restaurant sells food, for egs for Rs 400000, it charges GST of 18% on the same, i.e. Rs 72000. This Rs 72000 which has been collected from customers, needs to be paid to the Government. At this point, a restaurant can utilise the ITC of Rs 34150, and instead of paying Rs 72000, can pay only Rs 37850. This can be explained with the following table:
In the sample data above, raw materials are assumed to be taxed at various GST rates such as 0,5,12 and 18% since food items are scattered all over the rates spectrum. Based on the above, if a restaurant can avail ITC, and if it charges 18% GST on sales, the end price to the consumer would be Rs 472000.

Summary of the #GSTCouncil meeting of November 10, 2017

*Composition scheme expanded*
Threshold for Composition scheme to be increased to Rs. 1.5 Crores. Uniform tax rate of 1% applicable for both traders and manufacturers. Composition suppliers allowed services upto Rs. 5 lakh per annum for eligibility. Exempted supply not to be taxed at 1%.
Filing of Form GSTR 2 and GSTR 3 has been suspended for the current financial year. Only GSTR 1 is to be filed as per the below schedule.
For suppliers having turnvover below 1.5 crores,
For the period of July to Sept - 31st Dec 2017
For the period of Oct to Dec - 15th Feb 2018
For the period of Jan - Mar - 30th Apr 2018
For suppliers having turnvover more than 1.5 crores,
For the period of Jul to Oct - 31st Dec 2017
For the month of Nov - 10th Jan 2018
For the month of Dec - 10th Feb 2018
For the month of Jan - 10th Mar 2018
For the month of Feb - 10th Apr 2018
For the month of Mar - 10th May 2018
Filing of return in Form 3B to be continued till March. For small taxpayers, return to be simplified. It is not clear whether small suppliers will have to file monthly or quarterly (as proposed in the last meeting).
A committee to simplify details of GSTR 2 and GSTR 3 will be setup.

Press release on GST rate changes

6 Sure Fire Ways To Deal With Procrastination And Beat Laziness ( Part-3 )

3. The 6P formula of planning

Brian Tracy talks about the 6P formula in his bestselling book, “Eat the Frog”.
6P stands for ‘Prior Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance’
I would say, even a poor plan is better than no plan at all. Because it gives you some level of preparation which saves time later. For e.g. when you are cooking, you don’t put the pan on stove and then go grocery shopping. You plan ahead, prepare all the ingredients and then start.
The same approach needs to be followed for all your important tasks.
If getting up early and planning the day is not your cup of tea, then it should be an activity for before you go to sleep. Instead of binge watching youtube videos to put yourself to sleep, if you spend that time planning your next day, it will give you the feeling of being a man with a mission. It is your time after all, why not use it well.
One good way of making those blueprints is – to watch your KRAs.
If you narrow down your Key Result Areas and the output that you are expecting, it will easier to plan your activities. If it’s an activity that won’t get done if you don’t do it, it should be on the top of your priority list.
Your KRAs will lead you to better plans. And your plans will help you not procrastinate.

Friday 10 November 2017

GST Council Meeting Today

GST Council Meeting Today.

Expectations : 1. Reduction of Tax Rate on Some Items. 2. Increase in limit to adopt composition scheme. 3. Decrease in rate of tax for composition dealers. (Traders). 4. Switch to Quarterly Return from Monthly Return with condition of monthly payment of tax. Pic  Source : ET

Reliance Jio’s ‘Triple Cashback scheme’: What you really get on Rs 399 recharge, how it works

Reliance Jio launched what it calls a "Triple Cashback Scheme' for every recharge of Rs 399 and above. It claims to come with benefits of Rs 2599 for customers.

Reliance Jio launched what it calls a “Triple Cashback Scheme’ for every recharge of Rs 399 and above. This claims to come with benefits of Rs 2599 for customers. But how does it really work and will a customer actually get this Rs 2599 amount as cashback? The short answer is not really, and the overall details of this ‘Triple Cashback’ scheme are a lot more complicated. We explain everything to know about Reliance Jio ‘Triple cashback scheme.
First, the Jio recharge offer for cashback is valid only from November 10 to November 25, 2017. Also the offer is only valid to Jio users who are Prime members. Jio Prime membership costs Rs 99 and entitles users to special plans which come with these cashback benefits.
If a user gets Rs 399 or higher recharge, they will get 100 per cent cashback vouchers of Jio, which will be worth Rs 400. This Rs 400 comes back in the form of vouchers. In our own case, when we did a recharge for a Jio number for Rs 399, we got back 8 vouchers in total which are Rs 50 each.

GST Council Meeting

Finance Minister @arunjaitley chairs the 23rd #GST Council meeting, at Guwahati

NEW DELHI: The GST Council, headed by Finance Minister Arun Jaitley, is huddling for its 23rd meeting on November 9 and 10 at Guwahati. In the lead up to the meeting, Bihar Deputy Chief Minister Sushil Kumar Modi, who is also a member of the GST council, on Wednesday said tax rates on 80 per cent items of top 28 per cent slab are likely to be slashed. "Tax rates on 80 per cent of 227 items falling in top slab is likely to be reduced from 28 per cent to 18 per cent in the next GST council meeting. The GST fitment committee has also recommended reducing tax rates from 18 per cent to 12 per cent on a number of goods", he said. "So far, tax rates have been slashed on more than 100 items", he added.

Reports suggest that in a push to digital payments, the GST Council may consider providing incentives in the GST regime for payments that are settled electronically. Under the proposal, benefits in terms of credit or exemption could be provided within central and state GST to encourage such transactions. A merchant could, for instance, get credit for digital payments that can be adjusted against GST liabilities. Consumers, on the other hand, could be incentivised through lower tax when payments are made digitally.

6 Sure Fire Ways To Deal With Procrastination And Beat Laziness ( Part-2 )

2. Write down your goals

A lot of people procrastinate simply because they don’t put much energy into their actions. I cannot stress enough on the importance of the written word. I have folders of goals and sub-goals, deadlines, achievables and deliverables – divided age wise, year wise, month wise and week wise.
There are so many books that don’t get written, projects that don’t get finished and dreams that don’t get fulfilled because people don’t have the habit of writing it down and it remains suspended somewhere in their mind space.
Unwritten goals have much less energy behind them. It’s like – you don’t have a benchmark and you simply live for the day to day. You have goals but they exist, somewhere in the back of your mind.
I have seen some of the top most leaders of our times succeed because they use the power of their goals and their clear step-by-step to-do lists to galvanize their efforts. In putting them on paper, you transfer your energy to them, you make them more real, more important.
So, write down the To-dos of your life. Then write down the deadlines and the prerequisites of those goals. Remember – what gets actualized, gets realized.

Thursday 9 November 2017

6 Sure Fire Ways To Deal With Procrastination And Beat Laziness ( Part-1 )

Have you been troubled with your propensity to lazy around all day, not get any work done and then feel bad about it at the end of the day?  Mostly it happens when the habit of processing mediocre, useless stuff as day dreaming, TV, Mobile phone, over sleeping & time-pass friends sediments itself as a Vriti (tendency) into our psyches. If you very honestly feel that you are closer to becoming a master procrastinator THIS very implementable post is for you only. Come on, do not be lazy. Read this blog post right till the end. I promise- you’ll dig something unique for your own self. Massive dreams require super massive efforts. And the sooner you start looking for real solutions and ways to deal with procrastination and beat laziness out of your system; the better it will be. See it is simple- ‘Energetic people are more successful’ (Only exception- Mr Beans) 🙂 .

Wednesday 8 November 2017

Do You Really Want Your Goal? ( Story 3 )

Drunk on comparing.

Next, she told me all about how her friends all got the man they wanted and how it was so easy for them. Nothing is easy for any of us. When we commit to putting in the work, we get closer to our goal. The universe doesn’t owe you jack so forget about serendipity, luck and anything that is not based on you getting off your ass and working.
Getting drunk on comparing only distracts you from your own challenge. Everyone’s life story is different and there are no absolutes. The life you think everyone else has that is so wonderful is all an illusion. You don’t see these people you idolize 24 hours a day.
If you did, what you’d see is all the parts of their life they hate. We are all carrying huge problems on our shoulders. My advice to you would be to not focus on these problems. Focus on what you can do to move forward and spend zero time thinking about everyone else who tells you how happy they are.

Tuesday 7 November 2017

What can be the business model for Google Tez? How is Google earning by giving free money to users?

Google Tez is a mobile payments service by Google, targeted at users from India. It operates atop the Unified Payments Interface, developed by the National Payments Corporation of India. It can be used where UPI payments are accepted.

There’s no such thing as free money (or a free lunch)
If you’re getting something for free, you are being sold. Google is selling you to advertisers by knowing you better, and Tez makes sense because:

They know what you’re looking for (Google Search)

They know what you’re watching (YouTube)

They know where you’re going (Google Maps)

They know what you’re reading (Google Feed)

They know what you’re communicating (Google Mail)

One big gap is that they don’t know what you’re spending on.

Google Tez will give them that answer as well.


HUF Formation A Hindu Undivided Family (HUF) is a kind of an entity that could be a launching pad to the entrepreneur who wishes to ...